NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
The annual Hollingsworth Award competition is sponsored by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) to encourage educational and psychological research studies of potential benefit to gifted and talented children.
The award is named for Leta Stetter Hollingworth (1886 - 1939), a pioneer in the field of gifted education. Long associated with Teachers College of Columbia University, Dr. Hollingworth's many significant works include Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nuture, Children Above 180 I.Q., and Stanford-Binet: Origin and Development.
Who May Apply?
This international competition is open to individuals, educational institutions, and other organizations that present proposals for publishable research projects concerning gifted and talented youth. You may be a professor, educational administrator, psychologist, teacher, graduate student, or other professional individual. The research projects may be sponsored by universities, schools systems, individual schools, public agencies, or private nonprofit organizations.
Submission Procedure/Checklist
The NAGC national office will make every effort to contact those who have nominated a colleague, or those who have nominated themselves, to let them know of any missing materials, provided the nomination packet arrives at least two weeks before the deadline.
Selection Criteria
The following criteria are considered in rating the proposals:
Qualitative and other research methods are acceptable.
The rating form used to evaluate each component of the proposal as described above provides more information on the evaluation process.
One honorable mention for the award may be made.
The recipient(s) of the award and the other applicants will be notified of the Awards Committee's decision in writing no later than August 31.