George Betts—An Influential Leader in Gifted Education
August 4, 2019

Betts 732x392 V4 (1).pngThe world is less bright today. It is with genuine sadness that we share news of the death of George Betts, past-president of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Dr. Betts served on the NAGC Board for more than 20 years. In 2003, NAGC selected Dr. Betts as one of the 50 Most Influential Leaders in the history of Gifted Education (Profiles of Influence in Gifted Education). 

Dr. Betts was committed to helping schools, districts, and states implement and build programs that address the unique academic and social and emotional needs of gifted and talented children. He developed the Autonomous Learner Model (ALM) to nurture lifelong learners, and he believed there were six essential social and emotional qualities that educators could instill in their students to benefit the whole gifted child. In 2018, the Whole Gifted Child Task Force, created by Dr. Betts, released its report compiling an understanding of the “multi-dimensional nature of gifted individuals” and how that affects their development.

NAGC will shine a light on George Betts and celebrate his contributions to the field of gifted education at the NAGC 66th Annual Convention. Dr. Betts’ legacy will live on through the many teachers and gifted children for whom he spent a lifetime working to support and inspire.

service will be held on Saturday, August 10, 12PM MT, at Park Hill United Methodist Church, 5209 Montview Boulevard, Denver, CO 80209.