NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
In the face of your child’s rapidly developing skills, it is sometimes hard to remember to keep the focus on a child's love and excitement for learning new things, rather than the accomplishments. Young minds are hungry for stimulation, and when living with an especially eager, successful learner, it can be tempting to add academic drill and training to the day at the expense of allowing your child learn and discover through play. Play is the best way to foster growth, creativity, and a love of learning.
Play and hands on learning activities can help develop social/emotional maturity, academic comptenecy, critical thinking skills, resiliency, and more. The following are suggestions to develop his/her potential:
What you do at home, reading to and playing with your child, is the best investment you can make. Be careful not to extend expectations based on your child’s performance in any one activity to all activities. Providing a wide variety of opportunities and experiences is one of the best way to develop and foster potential in your young child.