This blog post, an excerpt from Parenting for High Potential (March 2014), is by Janette Boazman, Ph.D. 
To help improve teaching for the nation’s estimated 3–5 million gifted and talented students, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) has created national standards in gifted education programming and services, as well as teacher preparation.
Today, the House Appropriations Committee began slogging its way through the mark-up of the fiscal year 2017 Labor/HHS/Education bill, which funds the agencies and the programs each agency oversees, including the $12 million for the Javits program. 
by Jesse Lovejoy, Director of STEM Education and the 49ers Museum 
In 2007, Del Siegle, a past president of NAGC authored the Gifted Children’s Bill Of Rights, to provide children a language with which to understand who they are as gifted children and what educational rights they should demand. It gives them a voice. A few years ago, on the evening of July 4th, amid fireworks and flags, I set down to write a Declaration of Educational Independence. 
