NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
Attend the Leadership & Advocacy Conference, March 17-18, 2020 in Alexandria VA to sharpen your advocacy and policy skills, visit your Congressional Representative and Senators, and learn how Federal policies are impacting gifted education.
by Jonathan Plucker, NAGC Board Member and inaugural Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University, and Brandon Wright, editorial director of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute
It is early April, and it seems that around this time each year, students have finally settled in, which can reflect either positively or negatively in their work, attitude, and friendships. The dynamics of any school environment pose a variety of challenges to educators, whether novice or experienced.
How often have you heard, “Gifted students will do fine on their own?” This is just one of the many myths that become barriers to properly educating millions of high-potential students. The following is a list of the most prevalent myths in gifted education, accompanied by evidence rebutting each of them.