Guiding Questions to Apply the Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards

The questions below can be used to guide school leaders who are using the Pre-12-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards for the first time. The questions may also serve as a form of self-assessment for those schools and districts already offering gifted education services.

Overall, the questions focus attention on the steps to be taken and the resources to be accessed that will help education leaders and advocates develop high-level curriculum, organize a dynamic classroom setting, and provide appropriate guidance and community opportunities that will meet the needs of a diverse group of students with a wide range of gifts and talents. Click here for a pdf version of the questions.

Standard 1. Learning and Development

  • Considering the range of student interest, ability, and talent, what steps are necessary to ensure that educators are able to recognize the learning and developmental differences of gifted and talented students, promote student ongoing self-understanding, and promote student cognitive and affective growth in school, at home, and in community settings?

Standard 2. Assessment

  • In planning for initial student identification, do selected assessment instruments provide qualitative and quantitative information from a variety of non-biased, equitable, and technically adequate sources that ensure an accurate representation of the local student population? Are there ongoing, comprehensive identification procedures in place and have families been kept fully informed?
  • Once students have been identified for services, what ongoing assessment strategies are in place to evaluate individual student performance for overall progress, relative strengths and weaknesses, and to plan appropriate interventions? Is there a system in place to communicate assessment results to parents and guardians?
  • Has time been set aside for persons with expertise to develop, conduct, and disseminate the results of an annual program evaluation plan that focuses on the impact of program components on student learning?

Standard 3. Curriculum Planning and Instruction

  • In using the local, state, and national standards as a foundation for curriculum and instructional plans, what strategies are in place to select, adapt, and create differentiated, challenging, culturally appropriate curricula utilizing a carefully balanced assessment system to identify and meet the needs of students with a variety of gifts and talents?
  • Do the instructional strategies delivered encompass creative thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving and inquiry-based models?
  • Does the curriculum used integrate career exploration experiences and allow for deep exploration of cultures, languages, and other diversity-related issues?

Standard 4. Learning Environments

  • Has a learning environment that is conducive to intellectual safety, trust, and self-exploration been created by recognizing the importance of positive communication, social skill and leadership development, and cultural competence as students explore their individual, intellectual, and creative differences?

Standard 5. Programming

  • Is a properly funded continuum of services provided that offers a variety of programming and learning options that are collaboratively developed and implemented and that enhance student performance in cognitive and affective areas?
  • Has a system been put in place, including articulated policies and procedures, that allows for educators to develop multi-year plans, plan and coordinate programming and services with the school’s professional service providers, and communicate with family and community members to meet student needs and program goals?

Standard 6. Professional Development

  • Are all teachers, counselors and instructional support staff, given sufficient time and funds to regularly participate in a variety of research-supported professional development options in order to increase their expertise in the pedagogy and practice of gifted and talented education and to familiarize themselves with the resources available to meet the academic and socio-emotional needs of their students?
  • Is the professional development utilized aligned to the NAGC-CEC Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education and in compliance with rules, policies, and standards of ethical practice?


Download the guiding questions in PDF format

Download the Pre-K-12 Gifted Education Standards

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