Gifted Education in the U.S.

Gifted education varies widely across the United States. Although Federal law acknowledges that children with gifts and talents have unique needs that are not traditionally offered in regular school settings, it offers no specific provisions, mandates, or requirements for serving these children. Currently, gifted education is a purely local responsibility and is dependent on local leadership. Unfortunately, leaving gifted education up to chance increases variability in the quality of services and creates inequities of access for students in poverty, from racial and ethnic minority groups, English learners, and those with disabilities.

Gifted Students in Public Schools

According to the Office of Civil Rights within the U.S. Department of Education, in 2011-12 there were approximately 3.2 million students in public schools in gifted and talented programs.  Participation varies widely by state and by demographic subgroup. More needs to be done to ensure quality and equity in access to services.

Additional Resources

Advocate for Effective Gifted Education Policies

State-by-State Department of Education Contacts and Local NAGC Affiliated Gifted Organizations

State Definitions of Gifted Education

State of the States in Gifted Education, a biennial report of gifted and talented education for the school year 2014-2015.

Office of Civil Rights State and National Estimations