NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
Teachers: Are you proud of the innovative way you address the needs of gifted students in your school or classroom? Have you created a successful lesson or unit plan that aligns with the NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards?
Researchers: What is your latest work on how gifted children learn, how they perceive their classroom or their peers, or what educational strategies are successful with high-ability students?
Parents: Have you uncovered a creative way to work with your school or community members to support your child's growth? Do you have an anecdote about the lighter side of life with high-ability children and youth?
If so, we want to hear from you.
NAGC invites you to consider a submission for one of the association's member publications. Each has its own writers’ guidelines; check the links below for further information.
NAGC offers a wide variety of publications that share valuable information about gifted education, parenting, guidance and counseling, curriculum, advocacy, and program development. The NAGC Publications Committee coordinates the solicitation, review, and publication of materials deemed relevant and timely for parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and university personnel.
We invite you to consider publishing your research, ideas, strategies, and practices with NAGC. Your contribution will benefit children and foster a stimulating and supportive learning environment. In addition, your publication will reach a wide audience and your work will receive prompt attention and careful consideration.
NAGC welcomes ideas for new books that support parents and teachers working with gifted learners as well as research-based materials appropriate for teacher training programs and as general gifted education reference materials. Authors interested in publishing with NAGC should review the publications criteria before submitting a book proposal to NAGC.
We look forward to working with you!