NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
Racially under-represented populations (e.g.,Hispanic, Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Natives) in gifted and advanced programs are almost half of U.S. schools, and they will be the numerical majority in a few years as they already are in many districts, cities, and states. However, the increase in U.S. schools’ racial diversity is not equitably reflected in gifted and advanced programs, particularly among Black and Hispanic/Latino/a students who are most under-represented. Lack of success in achieving equitable racial diversity in gifted and advanced programs is a function of teacher under-referrals, parent under-referrals, test and instrument selection, as well as screening, identification, and placement policies and procedures (e.g., cutoff scores and criteria). The GRACE SIG is created to promote accountability for equitable racial diversity in gifted and advanced programs and inspire commitment to equity by NAGC leadership, committees, networks, SIGs, in addition to education professionals, policy makers, business and community leaders, parents, and students.
Donna Ford