THP Articles Spotlight Meeting Student Needs

spotlight.jpgTeaching for High Potential has numerous article on creating a nurturing and safe environment for gifted and talented students. Explore feature articles and special columns below to uncover advice from THP authors and columnists.  Use the issue reference at the end of the title to access the issue (NAGC members only).


The Classroom Environment 


Title and Author Description THP Issue
Three Reasons to Plan an Advocacy Field Trip    
by Fishman-Weaver, K. 
What can be learned from one group of secondary student's experience with advocacy at a state level.  Winter 2015

Bringing Awe and Wonder into 21st Century Learning    
by Chandler, K

Teachers of today need to make deliberate efforts to ensure that primary students can find excitement in their lives. Developing curiosity is one way to approach this.  Summer 2013
Mindsets Over Subject Matter: How our Beliefs About Intelligence Impact STEM Talent Development
by Andersen, L.      
In order to develop talent in the STEM fields, educators must recognize the difference between fixed and growth mindsets, and work to encourage the latter. Summer 2012

Motivating Adolescent Gifted Learners
by Cash, R. 

Five curricular principles that will help engage under-motivated GT adolescents. Fall 2007

Book Review: Finding April Hollow
by Cooper, C.

A motivational book for teachers in providing a stimulating learning environment that challenges and excites. Fall 2009

Searching for Excellence: An Interview with Josh Waitzkin
by Danielian, J.

Insights about growing up gifted and advice for parents and teachers from Josh Waitzkin, a child chess prodigy and subject of the film Searching for Bobby Fischer. Josh presented his educational ideas during a keynote presentation at 2009's NAGC convention. Fall 2009

A Secondary Look: Chronically Curious and Driven to Discover
by Dixon, F.

Looking to better society by the encouraging of inventive thinking within today's inquisitive classrooms Winter 2012

Bridging the Divide: Getting Excited About Learning: Promoting Passion Among Gifted Youth
by Fredricks, J.  

Exploring why passion for learning wanes from elementary to high school and possible ways to combat it. Winter 2010

A Secondary Look: Let's Focus on Advanced Adolescents: A Challenge or How to Challenge
Dixon, F.                       

Dixon's informative Top 10 tips for making the mesh between the curriculum and GT adolescents learning needs. Winter 2011

Special Populations: Creating 'Safe Haven' Schools for Targeted Populations of Gifted Learners
by Davis, J. L. 

Looking at ways to meet the needs of three disenfranchised GT groups--rural, African-American males and GLBTT students by making classes safe places to be and learn. Winter 2012

Excessive Competition among Gifted High School Students
by Rohde, L.

Identifying the reasons behind competitiveness in GT students and effective classroom strategies to lessen the amount. Fall 2011

Empowering Students: The PRISM Program
by Rosnick, K.

How students in the PRISM (Performance Enhances Individual Student Magic) students are motivated by their exploration and presentations of their areas of interest. Summer 2011

Happily Ever After: Taking the Time to Know Your Students      by Schultz, B.

GT students' words about what would make school a perfect place for them at the start of the year. Fall 2008 

Happily Ever After: A Teacher's Eyes Opened
by Schultz, B. 

Schultz reflects upon the gems of gifted education truisms from a letter he received from a former student who is a first year teacher in a GT class. Spring 2009

Happily Ever After: A Conversation Somewhere in Time by Schultz, B. 

An imagined conversation with Leta Stetter Hollingworth, a 1930 proponent of gifted education, about the need to support GT students and the effect it has on society and the individual. Summer 2011

School Spotlight on High Potential: Making Learning Infectious
by Selting Troester, J.

How the Sage School uses interdisciplinary clusters to spark intellectual growth through ability based groupings, acceleration, and hands on activities. Spring 2011

What Teachers Should Know and Do About IB Student's Stress Levels
by Shaunessy, E.    

Looking at self-reported stressors of IB students during testing and ways to help them work around them. Spring 2010

Gifted Program Retrospective: Teachers Look Back at Own Experiences
by Willard-Holt, C.

Female teachers who were gifted students reflect on the emotional pros and cons of their schooling. Fall 2008



Teacher Collaboration and Professional Development

Title and Author Description THP Issue
From Teacher to Advocate     by Marks, K. What happens when the gifted educator becomes the gifted education advocate. Spring 2015
Rising Media Tide Builds Support             
by Green, N.
When we all pitch in to help the mainstream media publish substantive stories about the state of gifted education, the impact can ripple through our field and through school classrooms, making a meaningful difference for educators and the students they serve. Spring 2014
Research As Our Guide
by Green, N. 
Be a critical consumer, and work to encourage the implementation of researched-based solutions that will inform future practice in support of high-ability learners. Fall 2013
Highlighting the Worth of Gifted Education          
by Olszewski-Kubilius, P
NAGC recognizes that appropriate educational programs, services and policies for gifted and talented children cannot be built upon a weak base of general education. It is time to share what we have.  Summer 2013

Professional School Counselors and Gifted Educators: Working Towards Solutions
by Wood, S.

Counselors use the expanded five “Cs” of the ASCA’s 2007 National Model, created in an effort to help GT learners cope with the stresses of their learning environment by instructing counselors on best practice. Fall 2007

The Evolving Benefits of Teacher Collaboration            by Strnat, M. 

Two GT teachers, from different schools, share and collaborate to build a learning community with their classes. Winter 2008

Affective Characteristics and Associated Strategies

Title and Author Description THP Issue
The Buddy Bench: Supporting the Emotional Well-Being of Others
by Hebert, T.
A heartwarming story about one boy’s efforts to make everyone feel a part of the school community, an idea that spread far and wide. Spring 2015
A Successful Education
by Dixon, F.
Strategies for increasing student understanding and changing the mindset of what it means to be successful. Spring 2015
Ungifting the Gifted Underachiever       
by Ritchotte, J.
A close look at the factors which lead to underachievement, and suggestions for what to do when it is recognized.  Winter 2015
Empathy in the “Me” Generation 
by Dixon, F. 
Educators must help students diffuse the “Me” focus and convert it to a “We” focus. Winter 2015
Empathy’s Importance in the Curriculum
by Dixon, F. 
It is time for educators in all disciplines to add lessons that focus on empathy and perspective taking. Summer 2014
Using Reflective Judgment to Explore Moral Dilemma
by Dixon, F. 
As teachers of gifted adolescents strive to create a rigorous classroom focused on integrity, reflective judgment can be a valuable strategy to integrate into the curriculum or classroom discussions. Spring 2014
Teaching Gifted Males: Lessons Learned in my University Classroom
by Hébert, T.
In order to understand the masculine culture we need to ask the question, what is it all about? Fall 2012 
We Teach Great Minds
by Dixon, F. 
A correspondence with a former student conjures up and supports the idea that educators of the gifted and talented truly teach great minds.  Fall 2012  

The Danger of the Gifted "Dumb Jock"    
by Casper, K. 

The negative intellectual stereotypes falsely associated with the GT physically gifted student and the ramifications for college studies. Winter 2011
Social and Emotional Needs: Is There a Curriculum Connection?
by Beasley, J, 
The social and emotional needs of students can be addressed and nurtured by infusing information into the curriculum.   Fall 2012

Book Review: Light Up Your Child's Mind: Finding a Unique Pathway to Happiness and Success
by Cooper, C.

Renzulli, Reis, and Thompson offer a how to guide for parents to support and understand their gifted child. Spring 2010

The Sport of the Mind: First Lego®
by Coxon, S.

Looking at how the First Lego League ® competition promotes science, self-efficacy, and confidence in spatially gifted students Winter 2010

OnLine Social, Emotional, and Parent Resources
by Danielian, J.

Online sites for teachers and parents for locating information on social and emotional issues. Winter 2009

Searching for Excellence: An Interview with Josh Waitzkin
by Danielian, J.

Insights about growing up gifted and advice for parents and teachers from Josh Waitzkin, a child chess prodigy and subject of the film Searching for Bobby Fischer. Josh presented his educational ideas during a keynote presentation at 2009's NAGC convention.  Fall 2009

Bridging the Divide: Getting Excited About Learning: Promoting Passion Among Gifted Youth
by Fredricks, J.

Exploring why passion for learning wanes from elementary to high school and possible ways to combat it. Winter 2010

The Mural and the Nobel Prize
by Golberg, S.

Painting a group mural leads to more than just paint on a wall in terms of group collaboration and pride. Spring 2010

Bridging the Divide: Big Ships, Small Ships, Friendships, and Competition: Things to Consider
by Gyles, P. 

How self-concept, social support structures, and competition come into play in the types of friendships GT students form. Spring 2009

It's Just a Hobby that I'm Good at: Crystallizing and Paralyzing Influences in the Development of Musical Ability
by Japp, A.                              

The effects of positive and negative influences of family, peer and school in terms of fostering expertise in musically talented GT youth. Winter 2011

Caroline's Quest for Calculus
by Kinne, L. 

The twists and turns for an mathematically gifted student in finding the right fit of schools in terms of academic acceleration, academic road blocks, and advocacy.  Winter 2010

Creating 'Safe Haven' Schools for Targeted Populations of Gifted Learners 
by Davis, J. L. 

Looking at ways to meet the needs of three disenfranchised GT groups--rural, African-American males and GLBTT students by making classes safe places to be and learn. Winter 2012 

Mentorship for Gifted High School Students
by Palmer, J. 

Using mentorships to design an individualized full high school course of study to match GT students needs.  Fall 2009

Raising Global Awareness through Poetry
by Pennington, L.

Using poetry to channel the social and civic mindedness of GT students in ways that reinforce and allow their empathetic bent to shine through.  Fall 2010

The Role of Teachers when Gifted Students Experience Negative Life Events
by Peterson, J. 

Insights into situations and events that produce a negative effect on GT students and how teachers can help. Winter 2009

Excessive Competition among Gifted High School Students
by Rohde, L. 

Identifying the reasons behind competitiveness in GT students and effective classroom strategies to lessen the amount. Fall 2011

Empowering Students: The PRISM Program
by Rosnick, K.

How students in the PRISM (Performance Enhances Individual Student Magic) students are motivated by their exploration and presentations of their areas of interest. Summer 2011

What Teachers Should Know and Do About IB Student's Stress Levels    
by Shaunessy, E. 

Looking at self-reported stressors of IB students during testing and ways to help them work around them. Spring 2010

Our Powers Combined: Meeting the Needs of the Multicultural Gifted Students through Collaborative Teaching and Counseling
by Walker, S.

Ways to support GT students with high degrees of emotional sensitivity through key activities and collaboration with school counselors and regular education teachers. Spring 2011

Gifted Program Retrospective: Teachers Look Back at Own Experiences
by Willard-Holt, C.

Female teachers who were gifted students reflect on the emotional pros and cons of their schooling. Fall 2008

Professional School Counselors and Gifted Educators: Working Towards Solutions
by Wood, S.

Counselors use the expanded five “Cs” of the ASCA’s 2007 National Model, created in an effort to help GT learners cope with the stresses of their learning environment by instructing counselors on best practice. Fall 2007
by Schultz, B. 
Pushing for more STEM education does not solve many of the problems our gifted and talented students may face, especially in the areas of testing and applying what is learned. Read what GT students have to say about STEM. Summer 2012
Game Day
by Schultz , B.        
Looking at the merits of electronic and board games during drop in Game Days in a local library. Spring 2008

Benchmark Testing
by Schultz, B.        

A father questions the validity of, and stress upon, benchmark testing on his GT son. Fall 2007

Motivation or Mis-Application: The Accelerated Reader Program and Gifted Learners
by Schultz, B.            

The negative effects of tying Accelerated Reader (AR) scores to grades on GT students love of reading. Fall 2009

Requiem to An Oft Misused Reading Program 
by Schultz, B.        

A continued conversation concerning Accelerated Reader (AR) misfit for GT and 2e (twice exceptional) elementary students. Spring 2010

A Conversation Somewhere in Time by Schultz, B.        

An imagined conversation with Leta Stetter Hollingworth, a 1930 proponent of gifted education, about the need to support GT students and the effect it has on society and the individual.  Summer 2011

Beginning Again
by Schultz, B.        

Learning about the pros and cons of early entry into college straight from a GT students perspective. Winter 2011

Note to Teachers: A Few Pointers to Parents 
by Schultz, B.        

GT teens speak from the heart about how parents can best support them. Fall 2011 

Taking the Time to Know Your Students
by Schultz, B.        

GT students' words about what would make school a perfect place for them at the start of the year.  Fall 2008

A Teacher's Eyes Opened
by Schultz, B.        

Schultz reflects upon the gems of gifted education truisms from a letter he received from a former student who is a first year teacher in a GT class. Spring 2009

A Kick Start to Summer Camps
by Schultz, B. 

Suggestions from GT summer campers about what to look for and think about when deciding about camping for a GT child. Spring 2012

Setting Up the Case for GT in Public Education
by Schultz, B. 

Setting up the goals, framework, and audience for future articles. Spring 2007

Spotlight on Schools

Title and Author  Description THP Issue
A Pleasant View on the Horizon           by Troester, J. Pleasant View Elementary in Providence, RI, public elementary school that has made considerable strides by using gifted education pedagogy in its regular classrooms. Spring 2015
Hail to the Chief 
by Troester, J.
A look at Chief Manuelito Middle School in Gallup, NM, where students learn to become thinkers and doers, developing the healthy self-confidence crucial for continued success. Winter 2015
Starting Early
by Troester, J.
The Feynman School Bethesda, MD provides educational options for children who display high levels of curiosity and academic achievement at a young age.  Fall 2014
Public School “Academy” that Supports Student Passion
by Troester, J.
The Renzulli Academy in Hartford, CT has been making great strides with traditionally underserved populations.  Summer 2014
The Trail Less Traveled: Enrichment Services for All
by Troester, J.
Looking at the Schoolwide Enrichment Model at Bay Trail Middle School in Penfield, NY. Spring 2014
A Place Where Gifted Students Thrive
by Troester, J.
A focus on The Sycamore School in Indianapolis, IN, where student's minds, hearts, bodies, giftes, and talents are nurtured. Fall 2013
Future Focused in Illinois 
by Troester, J.
Iles School and Renaissance Academy are helping gifted students build the foundations and skills needed for leadership roles in our changing world. Summer 2013
East Carolina University/Pitt County Academically/ Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Summer Camp
by Troester, J.          
Explore information about the AIG camp, which provides and excellent model for the education of both academically gifted students and their future teachers. Summer 2012
Reaching the Summit
by Troester, J.
Read about a superb example of how a large school district can meet the needs of GT students through thoughtful identification that matches programming. Fall 2012
Discovery School for the Gifted              by Troester, J.         An overview of the K-12 curriculum for the Discovery School for the Gifted and its successful mission. Winter 2009

Busting the Myths: Spotlight on St. Louis
by Troester, J. 

Churchill Center for gifted LD students and New City School which uses Multiple Intelligences are highlighted. Fall 2009

Polson's Unique Situation 
by Troester, J.

Looking at how an exemplarily GT facilitator, Miss Tamara Fisher, has lead the charged for 20 years on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Winter 2010

A Gateway to Learning
by Troester, J.      

Civic mindedness and compassion are the not so hidden curriculum at the Mirman School where the goal is for students to become life-long learners for the greater good. Fall 2010
Not Your Average Summer School         by Troester, J.         Gifted Education Resource Institute (GERI) summer and residential camps bring GT students around the world together in challenging two weeks of camp. Summer 2011

A Home Away from Home: The Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
by Troester, J. 

A residential school for high school GT students of Louisiana state offers a college preparatory program uniquely structured to fit the individual social and academic needs of its students. Fall 2011

Arts: A Pathway to Success
by Troester, J.

The literacy, performing, media and visual arts are the focus of Anoka Middle School for the Arts in Anoka, Minnesota. Winter 2011

Making Learning Infectious
by Troester, J. 

How the Sage School uses interdisciplinary clusters to spark intellectual growth through ability based groupings, acceleration, and hands on activities. Spring 2011

Recognizing the Need for a Continuum of Services
by Troester, J.

How Adams County School District 14 uses differentiation and content extension based on a continuum of service depending on the needs of the GT students K-12. Winter 201