THP Articles Spotlight Special Populations

Read what THP authors and columnists have to say about identifying and serving special populations of high-ability students.spotlight.jpg


Students From Diverse Backgrounds  

Title and Author Description THP Issue
Talking About Race in Middle and High School Classrooms
by Davis, J.
Racism is brought to the forefront of discussion in this column.  Spring 2015
Desegregating Gifted Education for Underrepresented Students: Equity Promotes Equality        
by Ford, D., & King, R.
Increasing effectiveness when working with underrepresented students. Fall 2014
Promoting an Inclusive Association and Field
by Cross, T. 
Through conference presentations and outreach efforts, NAGC's group of committed leaders will work to promote accountability for equitable racial diversity in gifted programs. Fall 2014
Culturally Responsive Family Engagement: Meeting Families Where They Are
by Davis, J. 
Proactively advance diversity and equity for special populations of gifted students. Fall 2014

GLBTQ Curricula Can Benefit Gifted Sexual-Minority and Gifted Straight Youth  
by Friedrichs, T.

Studying wide-ranging, sexual-minority-supportive curricula, gifted GLBTQ and gifted straight students can expand their knowledge, skills, perspectives, and aspirations. Fall 2014
Celebrating and Exploring Diversity through Children’s Literature              
by Chandler, K., & Dullighan, B.

A suggestion of wonderful examples of picture books for exploring cultural and linguistically diverse populations in your classroom.

Fall 2014
Equity = Access + Growth: Legal and Policy Implications for 2e Children  
by Hughes, C.
Promoting equity in the learning experiences of twice-exceptional students. Fall 2014
Dealing with Diversity through Literature
by Seney, B. 
A great list of  picture books and a novels that can be used to address each of these three populations, culturally diverse, highly gifted, and sexual orientation.  Fall 2014
Principles for Leadership in the Special Populations Network: Reflections from Founder Dr. Alexinia Y. Baldwin  
by Scott, M.F., Collins, K.H.& Grantham, T.
A closer look at the Special Populations Network of NAGC.           Fall 2014
Diversity at a Tipping Point: Gifted Education Responding as a Field
by Davis, J.
Tipping the scales to ensure fair and equitable services to gifted learners across cultures, ethnic groups, income, and those from other disenfranchised groups would mark success of great magnitude for the field. Spring 2014
Civil Rights and Gifted Education: Addressing Inequality
by Davis, J.
In order to have equitable access to gifted programs, those of us with the skills and information to make a difference must be generous in sharing information and persistent in addressing the issues. Summer 2013

Clearing a Path to Achievement for Low-Income, High-Ability Learners
by N. Green

A firsthand look and perspective in reaction to the National Research Summit on Low-Income, High-Ability Learners, held in Washington, DC, May 30-31, 2012. Fall 2012 

A Model Program: The Meyerhoff Scholars
by Davis, J. L.

The Meyerhoff Scholars Program was designed to dispel the myths about the lack of intellectual ability and drive of minority group students to be successful in challenging STEM programs. Read about the highlights of over 20 years of success. Summer 2012  

Curriculum Connection: Curriculum Planning for Low-Income Learners: An Interview with Dr. Tamra Stambaugh
Beasley, J.

Dr. Tamra Stambaugh comments on the specific needs of the impoverished GT student in terms of reoccurring themes in the research as well as some core design elements. Winter 2011

View from the National Office: Making a Difference for Promising Learners
by Green, N.                                                

How the Javits-Frasier Teachers Scholarship Program recognizes teachers, counselors, and other educators in Title I schools who support disadvantage GT youth. Spring 2012

Project EXCITE: Implications for Educators of Gifted Minority Students
by Reed, M.

African American and Hispanic youth are exposed to enriching educational experiences, over time and with like peers, to build a  sense of  "scholar identity". Spring 2009

View from the National Office: What a Picture is Worth
by Green, N. 

An overview of the significant points of the NAGC and CEC Senate briefing about the TALENT Act, which is designed to sponsor research, professional development, and accountability for gifted learners. Fall 2011

Our Powers Combined: Meeting the Needs of the Multicultural Gifted Students through Collaborative Teaching and Counseling
by Walker, S.         

Ways to support GT students with high degrees of emotional sensitivity through key activities and collaboration with school counselors and regular education teachers. Spring 2011

Benefits of Providing Enrichment to High-Potential Students from Low Income Families
by Miller, R.                                                  

Underprivileged GT youth participate in Project Hope, Purdue University's enrichment outreach program with successful outcomes. Tips are provided for a startup program in your area. Summer 2011

Empowering Teachers to Recognize and Develop Giftedness in All Schools: The TALENT Act
by Davis, J. L.                                    

A point by point explanation of the H.R. 1674/ S.857  To Aid Gifted and High-Ability Learners by Empowering the Nations Teachers (TALENT) Act. Fall 2011

Creating 'Safe Haven' Schools for Targeted Populations of Gifted Learners
by Davis, J. L.                                      

Looking at ways to meet the needs of three disenfranchised GT groups--rural, African-American males and GLBTT students by making classes safe places to be and learn. Winter 2012


Twice-Exceptional Learners

Title and Author Description THP Issue
Uncovering Buried Treasure: Effective Learning Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students             
by Willard-Holt, C. 
Advice and proven strategies for working with twice-exceptional students. Fall 2013
Screening and Identifying 2e Students: Best Practices for a Unique Population   McCallam, S. Explore three research based methods for identifying twice-exceptional students. Fall 2013

Twice-Exceptional Learners: Implications for the Classroom by Assouline, S.G.

The survey results of the Iowa Twice-Exceptional Project in terms of different teacher type's understanding of the needs of this specialized population of GT students from the perspective of programming.  Spring 2007

Turbulent Minds: Gifted, ADD, or Both
by Webb, N. 

Ways to tease out if stated classroom behaviors stem from being GT, LD, or both in terms of diagnosis. Fall 2007

Teaching for High Potential: Minimizing the Impact of Asperger's Syndrome in the Classroom: Practical Tips for Educators
by McBride, T.        

A father refection upon the learning characteristics of his son with Asperger's and offers corresponding tips for teachers in how to reach children with this syndrome. Fall 2011

Teaching Billy: Motivating a High Potential Student with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
by Davis, D.                     

The tentative success story of reaching out to a behavior disordered GT student by modifying instruction, using behavioral contracts, and positive support.  Spring 2009