NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
The February 2020 issue of Teaching for High Potential is available now for members
This month's subjects include: Praise & Encouragement, Number Talks, EdTech Science Trends, and more.
Attend the Leadership & Advocacy Conference, March 17-18, 2020 in Alexandria VA to sharpen your advocacy and policy skills, visit your Congressional Representative and Senators, and learn how Federal policies are impacting gifted education.
Fellow NAGC Members,
Each year, our organization elects leaders to carry the National Association for Gifted Children’s mission and strategic plan forward. This year, we have the task of filling five Board of Director positions: President-Elect, Network Representative, School/District Representative, and two At-Large positions. We encourage you to nominate individuals (or self-nominate) those whom you consider to be exceptional leaders and will be willing and able to fulfill the duties of being an NAGC board member. To review the term information, please visit the 2017 Board of Directors Nomination Page.
Opportunities are not just found on the Board, several networks have chair and/or chair-elect positions to fill. The networks help develop the convention program, provide resources for members, and build community. If you know of anyone or you are interested in helping guide the organization as a network leader, please explore the 2017 Network Leaders Nomination Page for open positions and candidate requirements.
As you consider potential candidates, please also consider that a critical aspect of quality leadership is diversity; diversity in thinking, background, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, geography, and position. Diversity allows for divergent view-points, unique ideas, wide-ranging understandings and a more inclusive organization. Therefore, we encourage you, the members, to seek out a diverse slate of candidates for the positions listed above.
As long standing members of NAGC, we, the members of the Leadership Development Committee, have gained so much from being a part of a collective of people invested in gifted education. We benefit from the expertise of others, the collaboration of colleagues united around a common cause, and the access to the most current research and evidence-based practices in our field. Being a volunteer leader of NAGC takes time and energy, but in our experience, it can also greatly benefit your professional and personal life. Consider running, or encouraging others to run, for one of these esteemed leadership positions.
The Leadership Development Committee
Richard M. Cash, Chair
Elissa Brown
Jubilee Chang
Angela Housand
Ruth Lyons
Christine Ohtani-Chang
Cindy Sheets
Sneha Shah-Coltrane
Carol Tiso
Wanda Washington
Robin Weidemueller
Jen Zatchey
National Association for Gifted Children
1331 H Street NW, Suite 1001, Washington, DC 20005