NAGC works to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) members inform the future of NAGC by voting for leaders with a clear vision for the organization and the field of gifted education to serve on the Board of Directors and in Network positions. The distinguished leaders elected to the Board will help set and oversee the direction of NAGC. The Network Chairs-Elect will work to organize communities of practice and produce resources on the development of gifted children.
Lauri Kirsch, former Gifted Program Supervisor for Hillsborough County (FL) Public Schools and past President of the Florida Association for the Gifted, will begin her two-year term on September 1, 2019. Dr. Kirsch currently serves as the NAGC Board Governance Secretary, and she will assume the President role in September 2021.
“I am thrilled with the elections outcome,” said Dr. Kirsch. “My goal is to listen, inspire, unite, and empower our diverse membership to fulfill the worthwhile mission of NAGC to change minds, influence policy, and empower equitable practices. I hope to share a common sense message that guides others in supporting all gifted and talented children.”
Dr. Kirsch is committed to uniting stakeholders in advocating for gifted youth. Since 1994, she has served in a multitude of roles, allowing her to learn and lead from a variety of perspectives.
“Dr. Kirsch is an outstanding leader and a true friend of NAGC,” said Sally Krisel, NAGC Board President. “Her experience and expertise is deeply rooted in public schools and serving all gifted children. We look forward to continuing our work together to increase awareness of the issues facing gifted children and educating the broader community about their unique needs.”
At-Large Members
Shelagh A. Gallagher
Dr. Gallagher’s career in gifted education spans 30 years, with positions including teacher, Research Assistant (Duke TIP), Director of Research and Assessment (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), grant manager (William & Mary Center for Gifted Education), team member founding two gifted schools, and 13 years as professor, researcher, writer, and Javits grant director (UNC Charlotte).
“All education should engage and challenge children; ideally, gifted education also cultivates higher levels of reason, imagination, and passion for learning—an education that is qualitatively different from the norm,” said Dr. Gallagher.
Tamra Stambaugh
Dr. Stambaugh is the Executive Director of Programs for Talented Youth and an Associate Research Professor at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include students living in rural settings, students of poverty, and curriculum and instructional interventions that promote gifted student learning.
“Gifted students are gifted every day,” said Dr. Stambaugh. “Support for gifted education is garnered by creating parent networks, building relationships, and providing evidence supported and relevant frameworks teachers can use to meet or exceed their required standards and get students excited about learning.”
Computers & Technology Chair-Elect
Shirley J. Farrell is an Assistant Professor at Troy University. Dr. Farrell has been in gifted education for over 25 years as a gifted specialist, coordinator, state director, and professor, and served on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) for over 15 years.
Creativity Chair-Elect
Christine Ohtani-Chang is President of the Hawaii Gifted Association.
Global Awareness Chair-Elect
Heidi Huey is Gifted Coordinator at the Prospect Ridge Academy in Colorado.
Professional Development Chair-Elect
Karen L. Brown is the Director of Gifted and Accelerated Programs of the Socttsdale Unified School District. Most recently, she was the Gifted Program Mentor with the Paradise Valley (AZ) Schools and an Adjunct Professor, Arizona State University. Brown has co-authored two books: Differentiated Lessons for Every Leaner and A Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning.
Parent & Community Chair-Elect
Pamela M. Peters is a Research Assistant at the University of Connecticut.
Special Populations Chair-Elect
C. Matthew Fugate is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston – Downtown. Dr. Fugate has written numerous texts focused on the needs of students from traditionally under-represented gifted populations including twice-exceptional, LGBTQ, African-American, Native America, and female students.